Monday October 7, 2019

Friendly Reminders 

- Friendly reminder that there will be NO school on 
Friday October 11th or Monday October 14th. 
- Please feel free to bring in food for our We Scare Hunger Campaign if you are able. We will be collecting food items until October 31st. 

This week we will be talking about 'Community' and being thankful. We will be reading the book titled 'Stone Soup.' 
We will be making soup together on Thursday and we ask that your child brings in some vegetables that are already washed and cut up so they are ready to add to the soup. Some food suggestions are potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, corn. If your child could bring their vegetables in a container that would be appreciated as they will also be using this container for their soup. 

Thank you so much for helping us with our class project. 

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